Monday 11 February 2008

A CNY Diary

This year Chinese New Year (cny) holidays is short as we have a week of holidays before cny and not during cny so it is sad...
I was only back in Melaka on the eve of CNY as i work for a 5 days at KLCC...
This was how i spend my precious 4 days of CNY.

Eve of CNY:
Woke up as early as 6.30am to pack my stuff and rush to Pudu.
Reached pudu around 8.30am and had my breakfast there.
Luckily enough for me, i manage to get on the 9am bus with my 10am ticket.
No jams on the road so reach Melaka at about 12pm.
Once reach home, unpacked and rest for a while then went to Mahkota Parade for last minute shopping.
Got a G2000 shirt for 1st day of CNY.
Had a wonderful reunion dinner with my family.
Later went to my grandma's house.
At about 11pm, went to Cheng Hoon Teng Temple to pray for a good year ahead.
Met up with friends and went to Sunshine Bar for a drink.
After that went to mamak to cool things off and chatted.
Went back home about 2am and slept.

1st Day of CNY:
Woke up at around 10am and dressed up for the best day of the year.
Went to Cheng Hoon Teng Temple again for prayers with my family.
After that, went to grandma's house.
Half an hour later, went to my dad's sis's house.
The next destination was "Lau Ko"'s (Eldest grandaunt on my dad's side) house.
Around 1pm, went to my dad's another sis's house.
All tired and sleepy, went back home to rest.
At night was at my grandma's house playing cards and eating.
Around midnight went to Lawrence's house to gamble and lost. :(

2nd Day of CNY:
Was at my grandma's house from morning till evening. Eating, drinking and gambling all the way. It was awesome. LOL
At night went to Shi Han's open house and met up with some long lost friends.

3rd Day of CNY:
Most fun day.
Went around visiting friend's house.
To name them all were, Louis, Jimie, Fang Qing, Sian Yau, Hock Chai, Ai Huey, Jun Kiong, Sai and Sim's house... We did not manage to cover more cos some were not at home or were busy.

4th Day of CNY:
Gather at grandma's house then went to Machap's old folks home with grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins. Very meaningful indeed, should do it often.
After that came back PJ with Siong Kiat.
Went for One Missed Call with kiat and wah ching at night.

Basically, after this i'll go back to routine studying and there is no more time to enjoy much already.
Time to catch up with my studies and have the last and greatest sem in uni...


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