The handball class was on every Friday evening from 5-7pm so basically it had cause me a lot of trouble because Friday is a day which suppose to be a much anticipated day as it is this day that can go out for movie, window shopping, or balik kampung. So i missed a lot of outings with my friends because of this handball class.
The first few weeks were boring as i don't know a heck about this game and to enjoy a game, you have to first love that game, i wasn't in love with it yet for the first few weeks.
Then when i started to pick up the skills and rules of game, it appears to be fun and exciting.
The climax was the UPM game. Although we freaking lost 3 out of the 4 games, all the sunburns and aching of joints, but just that one winning brought so much meaning. At least a lil bit of pride from all the embarrassments.
Last week was the last class and test as well. Anyway, passing was easy and it was like kinda fun fair game, throwing balls to the numbered post.
It was only after the game, and about to go home that i realized i'm gonna miss this game.
Only in ko-k classes will ppl play handball with you. It's not like you can go to any random ppl and say lets play handball. It is not as popular as soccer but it is certainly one hell of a game.
Well if any of my friends reading this and have not taken ko-k, might as well try something new like handball.
I'm pronouncing "I love handball"... LOL
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