Pei Chin
Siat Foon
Meow Khim and her roommate... erm.. sorry forgot your name ;)
Cindy and Junne
Ker Sinn, Jace, Kiat
Kian Wooi, Kim Song
Siew Siew
My wonderful family
Prof Richard and coursemates
Finally convo is over and reality bestowed me, need to work for the rest of my life, how dull. LOL.
And it freaking rained on my big day. How can it be so unfair? It was clear for the rest of the week but why on Thursday it rained? why why why?
I guess it's a test to see who my true friends are. haha
Anyhow manage to take a few pictures with those who had patiently waited outside.
Thanks to all that came and for all those presents.
I'm touched.
To all my friends that have graduated, all the best in life, hopefully somewhere, sometime out there we'll meet again.
Congrats friend!!
Happy Graduation! :)
sorry i cannot join ur graduation convo.
distance and time problem. this is also my final exam week. sorry.
seeya nx time. tc
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