Wednesday 23 January 2008

A Cendol's Tale

If you are a Malaccan, you probably have tried or heard of the cendol opposite Victoria's Fountain.
It used to be a stall of mangosteen (manggis as they call it in malay) shape. The cendol there was delicious and a tourist attraction to cool off after a walk in this hot historical city of Malacca.

It has been ages since i've taste this cendol, so on the way to meet my friends at the chicken rice balls shop, i just stopped by and have a bowl of cendol.

A total make-over of the stall but i still like the older one better.

Overlooking views like this,

And my cendol,

The cendol is still good but not as good as last time, i guess things do taste better in the older days. Like falling in love, the first time is always the unforgettable one, LOL

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