Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!!

It has been a long long time since i have updated my blog. This is all because of the amount of workload even during holidays. I have been working a lot if not hard this past one month. I'm physically and mentally tired. But after 4 days of resting at home, it seems like i have rejuvenated and moreover, 2007 has come to an end and 2008 is a new year with new hope and excitement.
How should i sum up 2007?
I have been through a lot, seen through a lot and experienced a lot...
It has been a great year and of course there are ups and downs.
To say it all, i'm have grown up.
It is lame to say that, but i have really seen things that made me grown.
I have understood things and thought a lot.

New Year, new resolution, new hope and new thinking...
This will be a year of change not that i'm being a fortune teller but this year will be a transition.
A transition like never before.
For good or worst comes down to this year.
Whether i will grad and get a good job will be the main agenda this year.
I certainly hope i will but things are unpredictable, i can only work hard and hope.

This new year will be better, i hope...
Happy New Year

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