Monday 9 June 2008


It has been a long long time since i last updated this blog. I guess i'm too free to blog, lol. Well things get boring when you are too free and life is sort of eventless.
Well from after exams till now, i have a few good activities i have been, such as trip to Bangkok, booze party with friends, and another mahjong-booze gathering, and gathering and gathering.
I really enjoyed all these gatherings as i will be working soon and all these won't come easy after i've worked.
Well, the good new is that i'm employed and will be working soon in Shah Alam.
So that may also end my blogging i guess, not sure, but most probably. Even when i'm free i'm not blogging, think of when i'm busy.
I'm also excited to start working, excited to get my first paycheck, excited to get to know new ppl and many other excitements...
I'm leaving you guys with just these first. I have got another week or so before i start working. May have a few more posts coming up...
As for the time being, cheerssss and enjoy life...

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