Monday 21 July 2008

Hennessy Artistry

Last Saturday went to this event called global art of mixing, where they have invited Machi, Pop Shuvit, and Flo rida to launch the latest cocktails of Hennessy. Went with Sim, Kiat, Lawrence and Cheng Yong. The event have really good settings with red carpet welcome, phototaking sort of like those you will see in the Emmys, it was really cool. Free flow of cocktails, beautiful ladies, and loud songs, what else can you asked for, right?
The four mixes are, Miami, Shanghai, Paris and KL. Not bad i have to say if they do it more concentrated, the drinks served were very low in alcohol, lol. Not even enough to get you high, just get your stomach full of water. Anyway, i was not there for the alcohol, more for Flo Rida. The openings were good with Machi and Pop Shuvit, hosted by Belinda and Pamela. Later to introduce Flo Rida, they have VJ Utt and Tanya.
Flo Rida's performance was superb with him coming out with t-shirt and jeans and lots of bling bling. He brought the house down with the song Low, everyone went berserk. haha..
After that, went Murni for Napolean, hotdog cheese wrapped around by chicken chops, nice...
What i can say is Saturday night not wasted. Cheers...

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