Wednesday 6 August 2008


Will be having my graduation ceremony tomorrow. Suddenly feels that this stage of life has ended, although i'm still longing for the glorious old times. Yesterday when i was out yam cha, kiat ask how are we feeling (me and wah ching) about graduation, it's the thing that we hope for from the moment we stepped into form 6. Seriously, i feel nothing. It's like when good things are coming to an end, you feel exactly expressionless. Don't get me wrong, graduation is what i've always looking forward to and i'm excited by the fact that it's going to be tomorrow.
But looking back, have i achieved what i want? Is this the life that i've always wanted to live? Questions after questions boggled my mind, yet i don't have the answers for them.
What i can say is that, i'm comfortable with my life now, but it somehow lacks passion, or something, just don't know what. I guess maybe i'm just too comfortable. If you all think that i'm lack of someone to love, i guess that is not the only thing that i'm missing.
Ah, I know what i'm missing, i'm lack of money, MONEY is the thing now. LOL.
If you all think this is a emo post, got you there, hahahaha.


JiHouh said...

happy Graduation!!!
I wish i could be at ur convocation. must be fun. haha
enjoy n congrats ^_^

Janice Ong said...

how i hope i can take a photo with u...too bad i'm having class just now.

but i thought i will see some photos here?

btw, i have never looking forward to graduate. how i hope i can be in secondary school or uni forever...hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Happy Graduation too..;-) I cant wait to graduate too..hehe..jz hope that i can graduate on time.. my dept really like to fail ppl..haih...anyway, post up more of ur graduation photos k? hehe..


wendy said...

hey hey...happy wearing that precious square hat oo..or wateva they call it. i was there in um on thurs, just passing by...saw the crowd waiting outside the hall. was a waste it rained but still i think you must be enjoying urself...BIG BIG congratz!!


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